Our school - Secondary Technical School for Transport











Our school is called Secondary Technical School for transport and it is situated on Kvačalova st. 20 in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. Our school prepares students for the professions in the field of road transport. During its history – it has been having over 31 years – its students have become good machine buildes and boatmen.

This year we have 427 students including 76 girls. Tthe students are in the age of 15-19.

At Secondary Technical School for Transport the study last 4 years. There is a final examination from Slovak language, mathematics, or some foreign language and from specialized subjects at the end of the fourth year.

 Our students can decide between English and German language.

Secondary Technical School for Transport has two main branches. Approximately one half of all students study the branch of transport focused on the service and maintence of road vehicles and the rest of them study in the branch of service and economy of transport focussed on road transport and transportation.

There are 16 classes with 25-30 students at our school. Each of them has its own study, but we have also many specialized studies: for computer technique, drawing, administration technique, laboratory measurments, foreign languages, road transport, geography and of course, we have a gymnasium.

Our school is involved in several projects: International Education, Socrates and Slovak project Infoage.

Our students really like the subject realated to the transport: road vehicles, road transport and practise. The school is also an owner of a service station. We have got even workshops, where our students gain the technical skills, which are important for the future graduating students. Our students gain the practical experience also in Slovak companies. They have to pass the final examination from these subjects teoretically and practically.


Update 11. November 2004
Ing. Lýdia Haliaková